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Ira Glass of This American Life says, “Great stories happen to people who know how to tell them.” 


Effective personal storytelling is an essential skill for success and it’s one that anyone can learn. In her public workshops, storyteller Terry Wolfisch Cole will teach you how to turn unique experiences into interesting stories that will captivate listeners in any setting. You’ll learn effective personal storytelling tips and tricks that are equally applicable on stage, in a meeting, when making a presentation or speech, as part of your elevator pitch, or at a more personal lunch or dinner. You will have opportunities to discover your stories (yes, interesting things have happened to you!), to select one to craft during the session, and to practice telling it. One-on-one coaching is also available. Book your session today.


"I'm so impressed by your skills, poise, and ability to nurture participants. Thanks again for a fantastic program."

Zach Berger, Adult Services Librarian, Cranston Public Library





Sea Tea Improv Studios, Hartford
With Time to Practice!





AARP Webinar Wednesday

Thanks for a great hour that felt like 20 minutes. You're amazing at this!

– Amy Flomer, online workshop participant

We were empowered by your incredible coaching and caring about our stories. Thank you so much for your belief in our ability.

– Connie Bombaci, author, storyteller

Your honesty and kindness is what I needed tell my story for the first time. I am so grateful to have found you!

– Rita Neal, storyteller

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